With the onus very much on health and wellbeing as a result of the pandemic, it’s certainly interesting to note that how we style our homes can have a huge impact on how we feel.
Making wise choices here and there can make a significant difference and help us maintain a positive outlook, giving us the space we need to kick back, relax and unwind, getting away from the stress and pressure of modern-day life.
Minimalist interior design has long been a popular choice for home stylists the world over, first coming to the fore as a concept in Zen Buddhism and in Scandinavian design. It really took hold, however, during the 60s in the US with artists like Carl Andre, Donald Judd and Dan Flavin making the move to create pieces celebrating geometric shapes and clean lines.
For interiors, the key to success where minimalism is concerned is to declutter as much as possible, while embracing simplicity and monochrome palettes, with colour used as accents here and there.
By keeping your furnishings to a minimum, you allow the architecture in the actual space to breathe and come alive, making use of lots of lovely natural light to really make everything shine in its own unique way.
Another top tip to get the minimalist look right is to focus on function and ensure that all the pieces you introduce add value to your rooms, rather than just being there for the sake of it.
But, again, it’s important for all these pieces to work well together and complement each other, or the end result could be quite jarring and achieve the opposite to the restful effect you’re after.
With just a bit of light reading and research on the topic, you’ll soon get to grips with the minimalist aesthetic - and you’ll soon have a home that boasts luxurious, timeless style.
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